Hey why hi! No question mark.

Collaborate with your inner you. Right now, take a second, a deep breath and release. Did you see her or did you notice the suffocation that was entangled in your mind? Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm the only one suffocated with the escape of music in a dark room so I can hear it clear with no outside interference to place, time and things. So hey why hi!

Good morning my beautiful people, how are you doing today? For music play search I just turned on Natalie Kills full album on YouTube. I would like to take a second and thank the founder of YouTube because it has literally saved my life when I needed to hear music. Let's search.

You ever felt like the princess that crown was in England but you were in the U.S. so you were sure someone lied to you at birth where your social class and status actually began so you completely ignored the idea of being a lower class because you knew you were a runner up queen some where else. Yeah, that's what's going on in my reality. Is it New York is it Paris, France, Tokyo or the U.K.. Which place is the crown and why in the hell didn't someone say hey why hi, um where are you taking her crown and did she know you stole it in her sleep? Natalie Kills just said the best truth "cause where I'm from it's not like on the television", and that is what led me to my favorite place other then my music here talking, typing, searching with you.

Again this blog isn't an advice place, so no you won't get how to perfectly handle life and how to make the man of your dreams love you. Please that's not here at all but it will tell you that being a girl is to dang on confusing but it's a Rock and Roll show that is wild, dangerous, romantic and manic at the same time. Being a girl RULES!

Collaborate with that rebel in you, did you loose her? See the moment I start doing everything right my life went blah! Not like a simple blah but like blah blah and blah's cousin boring. I'm not scared to say it, it went boring! That's why I'm typing! I'm a rebel, always have been. I like a sense of danger and fairy tales are cute but they needed an extremely hot ripped tight with an awesome bat they carried on their way to meet prince charming. They were also missing the pit bull with the mussel that framed her face because Princess COCO taught her how to attack on demand and she fed it steak as a treat. Needless to say Ariel from underneath the sea definitely would have had an extreme leather cropped jacket to accessorize her fins after coming from the land world back to the sea. I'm just saying, she could have gotten a tattoo when she decided to go from the lobsters and fish. Shrugs shoulders.

I've missed you from our last entry. Did you read it? Well you need to if you didn't because just jumping in with me in the middle of no where you won't understand how I think. It's a cross between a rebel christian that wants to rock a cross on the back of my coat as I am honest about fuck all this. If curse words offend you please let me know I'll make two copies of the blog for your unrealistic ears of the world as if every word at 32 begins with "a" and ends with "men". I'm here to be honest with you God made me on the fence of the gate that said I love you but I want to know everything there is to know so we can talk about earth during our amazing death! So yes I missed you reader. Love you!

Collaborate with yourself, it's okay give your self one nice rip or hot sexy fish net that clearly makes you feel like a pin up doll and just add a long cat eye with a messy bed hair and throw up a middle finger in the mirror for the Me Too Movement scandal of all our amazing pioneers in the movie industry that suffered, that horrific law of Abortion Rights. Yup it is definitely a smokey eye and black lip stick rebel day that needs to say I AM A WOMAN and you have me F'd up! What do you mean I have to have a child I'm not ready for? As many single mother's that were promised a better life in the world why aren't you all making laws that make men take responsibility also? Hello, they can leave and we HAVE to give birth. Screw you with a hard tonic and lemon with a good Natalie Kills song in the back.

Collaborate with yourself and stand up for the domestic violence and the acceptance of these racists ass cops choking out 15 year girls that just want to be a princess to their daddies. No I'm not a conservative I like bats, guns and the ARMY made me love the sound of a good FUCK YOU! Lip stick kisses to you. For the music search it's Natalie Kills "Daddy's Girl" playing in the back ground. If you haven't heard her music please go stream. Collaborate for yourself and say no one wants to be abused when your just trying to figure out life. Is that a crime?

Needless to say I'd actually give you the world if you didn't screw it up so much. Hey why hi! From R. Kelly tapes and confessions to the debate of equal pay in the workplace I think its time we show these guys, oh you think I'm sexy, fuck off! I am and it has nothing to do with you it's because I'm a smart bitch and it came with hours of studying to take your job and gladly go shoe shopping because I did it better and I look better in a skirt. So hey why hi says stand up for all this bull crap us hot ass women have had to endure for the past couple of years in politics, media and social status. You all have to wear great business suits, I don't so I'll wear the hot leather that says "Kiss my black ass", please feel free to insert your life's angle where you want. For example "kiss my White ass", "kiss my Indian ass", "kiss my African ass", "kiss my Lawyer ass". "kiss my Vice President ass" and lastly "kiss my First Lady ass". Churches, politics and previous running white house candidates included.

See I know you have to be politely correct and politically polite, it is the culture of a home trained and well rounded society. Well I'm the outcast of that. Music search is Natalie Kills "Devil's Don't Fly". Music search is to let you know exactly what I'm thinking. Music is my second breath, I need it and I've developed anxiety when I don't have it after a while. It's my second language. I can be thinking so much and won't say it out loud so I sing it. You can check out my music on Sound Cloud. I'll add the link below for you to click on and I'll also add the full description so you can just copy and paste.

In the end hey why hi, we are the gate keepers of God's heart. Can you please stop hurting us with your stupid ways of thinking, your boxed in conformity's of professionalism and your sexist ways of making a reason a woman can't wear what she wants because you can't control your hormones. Especially since you spend so much of your money at the strip club like its child support back pay. I'll tell you I love you after I wear your boxers, coats and cologne and look fucking hot. 

Needless to say good fucking morning! Fuck off!

                                                                  Hey why hi! No question mark.
Music Copy & Paste: https://soundcloud.com/chanel-chambers-1
Music LinkSoundCloud MagMilez

Ending music search Natalie Kills "Watching You" and yes I know how to properly site but look it up.


Which way is up?